Information is not the same as knowing. Like a finger pointing at the moon, which indicates the moon though is certainly not the moon itself, here are some basic informational points that might provide us a shared language with which to describe knowing. Check out the hyperlinks to the prior posts for some context.
3. Revolution
The Revolution describes the change that is happening for humanity, on an individual and collective level.
The Dream of our Sleeping Selves
We have created and continue to build and exist within a world that is inconsistent with Truth.
In our perceptions, actions, words, and relationships, we corroborate the validity of that which is false through our habitual participation with this reality built upon inaccurate though collectively reinforced ideas.
We create a sense of identity and worth through idea systems that, since they are not founded on the Truth of our divinity, oneness, and power, cannot be felt as reliable, which creates a self of unsafety.
This sense of self, built in false ideas, is inherently unstable. It is therefore constantly trying to prove it's beliefs and thereby affirm security, while simultaneously seeking to disprove those same ideas that would prove it's own unworthiness.
This is the insatiable, dichotomous, and circuitous dance of the ego-based self.
We are all in our own dance, and we dance with others, creating a world that justifies this insanity as normal.
A Bell Rings
At a certain point, something occurs that offers a different tone, than the pervasive dissonant chord that we've grown accustomed to.
This can be an encounter with a person, a dream, a book, or a stirring within. Quite often, it is a very challenging life experience, such as grief or loss.
There is something within this encounter or experience that makes a sometimes imperceptible shift, that is inevitable, and irreversible.
The Reverberance
Since we are inherently True beings, this tone naturally resonates within us, in a way that the whole lifetime of living in ideas built in falseness have never felt.
All aspects of Truth are related to each other, and the awareness and resonance with one aspect of truth will serve to illuminate other aspects of Truth that were previously hidden by erroneous ideas.
This is why the encounter with truth can be difficult, because those erroneous beliefs might also be beliefs that one's sense of self, and reality, is based upon.
A Seed Breaks Open
While every step of this evolution only occurs as is energetically permitted via free will as vibrational alignment/agreement, the increasing presence of Truth will continue to gather momentum.
As more light shines, the darkness of ignorance is harder to hold. Change is occurring, in belief schemas, and, as beliefs create our reality, reality as we know it also shifts in subtle and profound ways.
There comes a point at which the self chooses to soften and release it's tight grip on it's prior familiar identity.
The release of this identity is only the release of the identity AS separate, as limited, as alone.
Releasing the limitation in this identity is like a seed, which needs to break, and end it's existence as a seed, in order to grow into the tree that it was always intended to be.
A Wave Meets The Ocean
As the Revolutionary action quickens and overtakes the attachment to the habit-based sense of self as separate and limited, a new identity more closely aligned with Truth emerges.
As opposed to a wave knowing itself as isolated, and even in competition with, or yearning for other waves, the dawning sense of self is as continuous with the entirety of the ocean.
In perfect process and pacing, moments of trepidation and fear is replaced by peace and empowerment.
Striving for love an acceptance is replaced by gratitude, forgiveness compassion, unity, and joy.
The Rising Tide
One person, undertaking this Revolutionary journey of aligning the energy that is the self with the energy of Truth, and allowing the transformative results upon one's being, touches and benefits the entirety of existence.
This is not so much due to the influence of one's words or actions, or even attitude or energy as it touches another person's life in the course of an interaction, although this is a factor as well, but because Truth is completely unbounded by space and time.
A consciousness aligned to Truth touches all things, in all places, throughout all time. The impact is significant.
The existence of one person aligning to their Revolution, facilitates all others in their own journey. We are all a part of one neural network. When one axon makes a connection, more and more connections can build in that same direction.
This collective action, is simultaneously the cumulative effect of individuals aligning to Truth, and also the collective itself choosing alignment to Truth. This is choice, free will, on a higher level of order than just the individual.
As the entirety of the universe is present within each of us, the collective choice and the individual choice are present as the same thing, expressing in multiple levels of being.
This entire action raises questions of how may society change, as it's individual constituents, and the living entity that the collective itself is, no longer resonates in alignment with ideas of scarcity, war, and win/lose dichotomies?