This is another ongoing post that will be continually updated as new terms seem beneficial to collect here.
All things are energy in vibration, and through our words, we are not only expressing a sound current when speaking, we are also expressing the energy of our meaning and intention, weather written, spoken, or even thought.
As we are all aspects of the creator, the vibration that we attune to and emit are creative. We are what we eat, and that includes what we ingest via language. Also, we seed into existence that which we speak, or even turn our mental attention to in thoughts.
Words are incredibly powerful!
Language is essentially a code system that translates into meaning. The language can only be encoded or decoded at the level of consciousness of the writer/speaker/encoder and reader/listener/decoder, respectively.
Language is also a collective agreement, which further defines and therefore limits what a word is understood to mean. A word that has existed in a language over the centuries comes to mean not just personal connotations, but also meanings as defined by individuals or institutions collectively endowed with authority, such as the Oxford Dictionary, as well as (similarly invested with gravity) collective past experience.
Language as we know it has limitation, because of those individual and collective associations, which are often encoded, decoded, and recoded at a level of consciousness (aka vibratory terrain, or radio station) that exists in falseness, limitation, and separateness.
There are some words that feel, to me, to have more either inherent accuracy to spiritual reality, or at the very least, are functional for me because I have less personal history of limitation with them, so I am able to hear them at a more truth-aligned level of awareness, as opposed to my associations with the word itself pulling me back into vibratory accordance with the word as I have understood and used it in my past.
What follows below are words and definitions, as well as concepts, that may be helpful in our communicating in not a convenience of democratically agreed upon and shared language, but in an attempt at increased accuracy, and even proactively creative alignment of the sender and receiver. Let us speak together, and create our world.
The individuated aspect of the divine source and ultimate truth, Brahman. Sanskrit.
Ignorance of truth. Sanskrit.
The science of life. An ancient and sophisticated system of healthcare to cleanse and balance the bodily systems. Sister science to Jyotish. Sanskrit.
Love and devotion in emotional relation to a personal sense of the divine. Sanskrit.
The divine source and ultimate truth. The transcendent and immanent reality. Sanskrit.
Natural cosmic law, and the choice to act in alignment with it. Sanskrit.
Knowledge of Brahman and Dharma. Sanskrit.
The science of light. The ancient and profoundly sophisticated science of calculating the impact of vibratory energies, light, from the stars and planets of our universe, at multiple levels of specificity. Also known as Vedic Astrology. Sister science to Ayurveda. Sanskrit.
Literally, action. Every action has an impact and creates a result in vibratory accordance with the action. Sanskrit.
Primal movement, the Word, divine reason & order, the masculine principle of God. Greek.
A change of heart or mind, reorientation to a new way of seeing. Greek.
The personal voyage away from the illusory world of the transient, and into the unknown. The journey through which experiential knowing of self & God transpires. Greek.
The newest thing there is. God is always the emergent actuality, the only thing that is truly real and therefore alive, as opposed to expectations, habits, and projections that replicate the past, and create the false idol of mortality. Latin.
God in all things, all things in God. Greek.
To bind back. To return and reattach us to our source. Of course, we could never truly be disconnected from source, but the attendance to one's practice of religion serves to re-invest in the awareness of that orientation.
Literally, re-birth. French.
The lingering impressions in our subconscious thoughts, well-worn grooves like on a vinyl record, that create our habits and reactions below our conscious awareness, which generates the playing out of karma so these patterns can be brought to the light of conscious awareness. Sanskrit.
To miss the mark, as in archery. When we temporarily get distracted and confuse the transient for the eternal, or vice versa, we're missing the mark on our alignment to truth. This does not ever result in punishment, in the conventional sense. We are not punished for our sins. However, when we are aligned to the transient, we are seeking value from something that is ultimately valueless, which will inevitably result in the eventual revelation of our orientation as meaningless. The process of awakening to the meaninglessness of our orientation may include pain, however reorientation to the eternal, oneness, love and inclusivity is always available. Old English.
Literally, to weave. Tan means an extension, in some interpretations this is the body itself, the manifest extension of the divine. Tra means tool, system or instrument. To study Tantra is to study the weave and weft of the cosmos, as well as the extension of the cosmos that is the individuated self, in a system designed for connection, expansion, and liberation. Sanskrit.
Unwavering reality. I use this word generally synonymously with Light, What Is, and God, however the connotations of the application of the term Truth indicates these terms specifically in their factual and existent nature.