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So Mote It Be.

Dr. Katie Lynne

Words are creative and magical and magnetic.

My partner recently asked me if I could articulate my expression with brevity and clarity, as a kind of spell to cast. To intone the energy I am aligning to, and expressing, as a clear beacon for those who I am in karmic resonance with. To sing the tone, so that another might hear it, and by their own resonance with the tone a sing, know that we have a connection to make. To do my part in walking towards those who it is my calling to walk with.

I began by tuning into the vibration of Truth that I endeavor to align to.

And then I started writing.

What came out felt accurate, and dense with meaning.

What follows is simultaneously the expression of the tone of Revolution I am in alignment to, a telling of my own personal story, a call to fellowship, and an offering of service.

Sat Nam, my Beloved.

I am Spirit.

I am Nature.

I am an insecure human.

I am on a dharmic journey of living AS Spirit, as human.

As such, I am following a path of energetic navigation;

learning to recognize and act upon that which causes my energy to lift, expand, and allow for the flow of light, less impeded by insecurities born in ignorance.

As I do this, I discover more light.

The awareness of which unravels the insecurities, conditioning, and habits, that can only exist in the denial of the light.

In this new awareness, I have come to know that there is NO substance in the darkness of ignorance, no matter how profound, preferred, or corroborated the belief.

Light IS.

Awakening to this truth ignites inner revolution.


as we release our grasp on the velvet handcuffs we held in habit.

And we, the chainbreakers,

create anew together,

unfettered and free,

our eternal and emerging homeland.

And so,

In humble responsibility,

and vulnerable bliss,

I lift my heart,

and my voice,

and my hands,

to reach out

And in making each connection,

forging infinite echoes of manifold yield,

live, and breathe, and be,

conscious creation.

I am with you.

Let us welcome each other home.

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